Наслаждайтесь PLA нет, кто найдёт - респект! 001 Ahtaj ila mos'if hona = I need a medic here
002 Nahtajo fariq alislah bisr'ah = We need repairs quick
003 Ahtaj ila mos'if bisor'ah = I need a medic here quick
004 Asef, Laka Aktaet = Sorry, i screwd up
005 Lekaveleka = You got it
006 Nafathat al-Thakira = I am pingo on ammo
007 Ohjom hona = Attack here
008 Shokran = Thanks
009 Awkif itlak annar = Cease fire! (for friendly fire)
010 Atbakna ala al hadaf wahowa fil marma! = I got lock on a target!
011 La saidi = negative!
012 "Veliquerreé munken" = No way man! (esse foi adaptado)
013 Shokran ayoha albatal = Thanks champ
014 Satanfod aldakerah minna nahtajo almazeed = I am bingo on ammo
015 Atlob elawamir hawwil = Requesting orders, over!
016 Hamilat jonod mosallah takos al'adaa = Enemy apc spotted
017 Arabat adaa = Enemy car
018 Konbola = Grenade (same as frag out)
019 Konbolah dokaneih ala altarik = Smoke grenade
020 Wahadat ela'ada tataharrak = Enemy units on the move
021 Tazizatona ala washak annafad = We are running low on reinforcements
022 Wasalatna modarra'ah lil adaa = Enemy tank spotted
023 ?Shokaran, ojinulaquiviwakita? = Thanks, I own you one (esse foi adaptado)
024 Okrojo bisoáh = Get out, quick!
nahtajo fariq al-islah hona = we need repairs here
ahdir mazidan min al-thakirah ila hona = ammo here (wrong translation!)
ahdir al-is'afat ala'waleih ila hona = first aid here (wrong translation)
intadir kalilan nafadat minni aldakirah = wait! I need ammo!
la saidi = negative!
hader = roger!
asif zamil = sorry!
na'tadir lakad akta't = sorry! I screwed up!
shokran ayoha albatal = thanks champ
irkab bisorah = get in
adkil alarabah = get in (wrong translation)
satanfod aldakerah minna nahtajo almazeed = I am bingo on ammo
atlob elawamir hawwil = requesting orders, over!
ahtaj ila tawsilah = i need a ride
akrijoni min hona = get me out of here
nahtaj ila da'm hal tasma'oni = requesing reinforcement do you copy
nahtaj ila ba'd almosa'adah hona = we need support here do you copy
lakad dommira aljisr ya saidi = brdige destroyed
athart ala battayat a'daa modadah li-ta'yrat = enemy aa spotted
modadat tayarat takos al'adaa = enemy aa spotted
hamilat jonod mosallah takos al'adaa = enemy apc spotted
dahar karib lil a'daa = enemy boat spotted
arabat adaa = enemy car
aladaa ala altarik = enemy units on the move/spotted
wahadat al adaa tataharrak = enemy units on the move/spotted
tam alta'arrof ala marwaheih lil adaa = enemy chopper spotted
marwaheih lil adaa fil mintakah hawwil = hostile slick inboud, over!
sareih lil adaa =enemy infantry spotted
jonod al adaa ala al'ard = enemy infantry spotted
ta'irah lil adaa = enemy jet spotted
ta'irat al adaa fawkana hawwil = enemy jet spotted, over!
algam takos al adaa = enemy mines spotted
kannas = sniper
wasalatna modarra'ah lil adaa = enemy tank spotted
orkodo = bail out (wrong translation!)
ikfizo ba'idan = bail out
itba'ni = follow me
okrojo biso'ah = get out, quick!
falnataharrak = go go go (or let's move)
hayya intalik = go go go
thalik gair momkin = no way!
awkif itlak annar = cease fire! (for friendly fire)
sata'ish ayoha aljondi, od ilan ila alkital = you will live buddy! now get back to the fight!
laka dalika = roger!
lol Shoukran ayou hal batal.. oudino laka bi wahida ( thanks champ iou one)